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Bright Kid Foundation works with the following partners to manufacture, deliver and install the ECDCs and to ensure that they are sustainable


Donors provide funding that is essential for the projects to be completed. Many Donors have considerable expertise in monitoring and evaluation systems that Bright Kid foundation can apply to measure results. 

See Full List of Donors

Non-Government Organisations (NGOs)

These Non-Government Organisations specialise in Early Child Development (ECD) and work closely with Bright Kid Foundation. They are responsible for identifying the sites for new ECDCs, training the teachers, and monitoring and evaluating the ECDCs. The NGOs also help the preschools register with either the Department of Social Development (DSD) or the Department of Basic Education (DBE) so that the preschool receives the sustainable per child subsidy.

The ECD NGOs that Bright Kid Foundation works with include:

Eastern Cape -Khululeka

Free State – Lesedi Educare 

Free State – Ntatasie

Gauteng – Kelru

Kwa Zulu Natal – TREE

Limpopo – Golang Kulani

Mpumalanga – Sithuthukile Trust

North West – Ntataise

Northern Cape – Custoda Trust

Western Cape – Blue Door


Teachers and the community play a crucial role in the success of each Bright Kid Foundation ECDC. Teachers are trained by the ECD NGOs to provide a quality education to the preschool children attending the ECD. Caregivers from the community send their children to the ECDCs in the expectation of improving their children’s life chances through education. In general, the community is fiercely protective of the ECDCs and helps to ensure that the valuable equipment in them is not stolen. They usually, pay a modest monthly fee to enrol their children in the ECDC


The DSD has played an essential role in monitoring the whole ECD sector in South Africa. The DBE will be taking over the role played by the DSD. If a preschool meets the required DSD infrastructure, including health and hygiene, teaching and organisational standards, it will receive a per child subsidy that together with the modest school fees paid by caregivers, will sustain it. The subsidy is paid to a Non-profit Organisation that runs the preschool.

The Bright Kid Foundation ECDC infrastructure meets the DSD standards for subsidy.

A letter from the DSD is attached below confirming this

Letter from DPE